Ep 558: Facebook Ad Problems - Part 2 Psychology Based Creative with Jordan West

By Jordan West

Ep 558: Facebook Ad Problems - Part 2 Psychology Based Creative with Jordan West

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From understanding emotional motivators to designing ads that resonate with viewers, this episode offers a step-by-step guide to elevating your ad campaigns and how implementing psychology-based creative can generate outstanding results for your ecommerce brand.

In this episode, Jordan West gets into part 2 of the Facebook ad problem series, focusing on psychology-based creative approaches. He shared insights and strategies on how tapping into emotional motivators like nurturance, empowerment, and belonging can enhance ad performance.

Listen and learn in this episode!

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Understanding and implementing psychology-based creative in ads can lead to outsized results in ecommerce brands.
  • Spending time researching customer emotions and motivators like nurturance, empowerment, esteem, belonging, safety, freedom, achievement, excitement, and empathy.
  • Copy is crucial in ads, in addition to creative. The right combination of copy and creative can significantly impact ad performance.
  • Place important elements in ads following the natural reading pattern (top left to bottom right) to increase click-through rates. Align images with identified emotions for maximum impact.
  • Test emotional concepts with static ads first, then move on to animated GIFs, and finally develop full user-generated content (UGC) and professional videos that align with emotions.
  • Segment campaigns by emotion, utilize the 3:2:2 method, and monitor performance metrics like click-through rate, engagement, conversion rate, spend, and CPM to iterate and improve creative performance.

Recommended Tools/App:

Chat gpt: https://chat.openai.com/ 

Growth Plan: www.upgrowthcommerce.com/grow

Million Dollar Offers: www.upgrowthcommerce.com/grow

In this episode's sponsor is Revenued - is a financial technology company that provides businesses with revenue-based financing solutions. Instead of relying on credit scores or collateral, Revenued offers funding based on a company's revenue. This allows businesses to access capital quickly and repay it as they generate income.

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