· By Jordan West
Ep 361: Being Proactive in E-commerce With Jordan West
A lot of founders and leaders tend to blame everyone except themselves. Time and energy are being misdirected as we try to have control over the things that we cannot control. How much can taking a radical ownership approach change your life?
In this episode, Jordan talks about what proactivity means and how to be proactive as a leader, a boss, or a founder of an organization.
Listen and enjoy this episode!
- Between stimuli and response, there is always a gap and you get to choose a reaction.
- With stress comes a lot of different reactions. A lot of founders blame everybody else but themselves.
- The only thing that we have control over is ourselves.
- Many of us have a lot smaller circles of influence than we have circles of concern.
- Our circle of influence grows as we become more mature and trustworthy.
- We cannot influence everything around us so we have to choose which things we're going to let in.
- The whole idea of radical proactivity is knowing what you can change and what you cannot and spending all your time on the things that you can influence and change. It will change your life.
Connect with Jordan here:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-west-marketer/
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