Ep 41 - Why You Should Start an Ambassador Program in 2020 with Kiran Jade of Wolven

By Jordan West

Ep 41 - Why You Should Start an Ambassador Program in 2020 with Kiran Jade of Wolven

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In this episode, Jordan speaks with Kiran Jade from Wolven about her ambassador program and how it's helping her scale. They also talk about what's working and what's not working when it comes to Facebook ads.

Kiran Jade shares how the ambassador program works by simply building a strong and authentic community of super fans that helps them promote their brand in a more efficient way. She also shares the app called Klarna that gives customers the option to try their sustainable products without paying upfront. You are surely gonna get a lot from this episode!

Find out more about Kiran Jade and Wolven at:

Listen to our previous interview with Nick Henderson from Hari Mari here: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/ep-37-scale-using-search-remarketing-in-2020-nick-henderson/id1480733021?i=1000464234485

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In this episode's sponsor is Revenued - is a financial technology company that provides businesses with revenue-based financing solutions. Instead of relying on credit scores or collateral, Revenued offers funding based on a company's revenue. This allows businesses to access capital quickly and repay it as they generate income.

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